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Picture of the skyline of Graz

Austin in Austria

During the Spring of 2015, I spent a semester abroad studying in Graz, Austria. During my time there, I wrote an occasional blog for my friends and family back home to let them see what I was up to. This blog has been hosted on WordPress for the last several years (here), and while I plan on keeping that version live, I also wanted a copy for my own records. This version is just the text and a handful of images; if you want the original look and gallery, you'll need to visit the original site. I made seventeen posts between February and July of 2015.

  1. Ich spreche nein Deutch - 9 February 2015
  2. An update on events so far - 9 February 2015
  3. Acht sechs sieben fünf drei null neun - 14 February 2015
  4. More new things - 20 February 2015
  5. Makin' Pancakes, Makin' Bacon Pancakes - 28 February 2015
  6. "Austria's Greatest Hero" - 7 March 2015
  7. Not too much to report - 14 March 2015
  8. Austin in Slovenia - 21 March 2015
  9. Update: Spring Break 2015 - 28 March 2015
  10. Spring Break 2015: Part I - 11 April 2015
  11. Spring Break 2015: Part II - 14 April 2015
  12. Spring Break 2015: Part III - 22 April 2015
  13. Spring Break 2015: Part IV - 30 April 2015
  14. Spring Break 2015: Part V - 3 May 2015
  15. Venezia! - 26 May 2015
  16. Czech this out! - 23 June 2015
  17. THE FINAL POST - 21 July 2015