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Picture of the skyline of Graz

This is a copy of my study abroad blog, moved here as a backup. The original post can be viewed here.

Ich spreche nein Deutsch

February 9, 2015

After being badgered by my parents and family, I’ve decided to set up a blog to chronicle my semester abroad at the University of Graz in Graz, Austria. I’ve been in Austria for just under a week now, and today began my 3 week long German course. After my first lesson, it’s very clear that my attempt at learning German will go about as well as my attempts to learn Spanish (not well at all). Still, I did learn a few things today, and I’ve already been given pages of homework to complete by Monday morning.

I’ve never used WordPress before, but I’m going to see if I can keep a gallery of pictures that I’ve taken, or if not, I’ll include all of the pictures I’ve taken thus far in a future post.

More to come!

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