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Picture of the skyline of Graz

This is a copy of my study abroad blog, moved here as a backup. The original post can be viewed here.

Update: Spring Break 2015!

March 28, 2015

So this isn’t going to really be a proper blog post, but instead more of an itinerary for what I’m going to be doing the next three weeks. As I’ve mentioned before, I get three weeks off for spring break, and as of last Thursday, break has officially begun! It seems very strange, especially since I’ve really only just started classes, but hey, I’ll take it. I’ve spent the last few days planning out exactly what I want to do, and booking transportation and lodging for the trip, so everything is pretty set in stone at this point. So without further ado, here’s everything that I have lined up:

Tuesday, 31 March: Graz, Austria. One of my college friends is coming up here to visit, so I’m going to spend a few days showing him around Graz before we pack up and travel central Europe.

Thursday, 2 April: Salzburg, Austria. We hop on a train and travel to Salzburg, where we only spend about 24 hours before we get on a bus and travel into Germany.

Friday, 3 April: Munich, Germany. We’re going to spend the longest time in Munich looking around the city, and seeing some of the sights in the nearby towns. The Neuschwanstein Castle is located very close to Munich, so we’re going to definitely make a day trip over to see it.

Monday, 6 April: Nuremberg, Germany. After Munich, we get on a bus to travel to Nuremberg, where we will only spend about a day before heading out of the country.

Tuesday, 7 April: Prague, Czech Republic. Part of the goal was to see how many countries we could visit, and hey, Prague was on the way back to Vienna!

Thursday, 9 April: Vienna, Austria. My Wesleyan friend is only staying in Austria until the 11th, so we have to be back near Vienna for him to catch his flight.

Friday, 10 April: Day trip to Bratislava, Slovakia. Since we have another day to kill, we’re going to take a trip to the capital of Slovakia, which is only an hour’s ride away. It’ll only be a day trip, and we will come back to Vienna in the evening, where he leaves, and I stay by myself for an extra day.

Sunday, 12 April: Berlin, Germany. I’m going to then meet up with some people in my German class here, and we are going to travel up to Berlin for several days.

Wednesday, 15 April: Vienna, Austria. I’m not really sure this counts, I think I have an hour layover here.

Thursday, 16 April: Graz, Austria. Finally, after 15 days of traveling, I will return to my nice warm bed, where I have a few days to recover before the semester starts up again.

So that’s it! That should be everything. Hopefully we won’t get horribly lost somewhere, but I think this is all pretty foolproof. I’m unsure about how much internet access I’ll have during the trip, and I might not even bring my computer along, so I wouldn’t expect anything other than a brief update until I get back. Once I’m settled back into Graz, I’ll make sure to have several posts about my exciting travels. Until then!

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